Design & Build Options

Knock Down & Rebuild
Whether you’re looking to replace your current home, or have purchased a property to redevelop, our Knock Down & Rebuild solution gives you all the advantages of a brand new energy efficient home, built exactly to your needs and in the neighbourhood you love.

Medium Density Housing
The way we live is changing. As our population grows, the way we build our homes and communities is evolving to meet New Zealand’s changing lifestyle demands.

Hill Builds
Building on a slope is more complex than building on a flat site, but with it comes tremendous rewards including the opportunity for spectacular and innovative design outcomes such as split-levels and high ceilings.

Subdividing your site may present a great opportunity to build a new family home, or use it for rental investment or capital gain.

Already Have Plans?
Whether you are at sketch stage or have a full set of working drawings we can provide you with a fixed price contract to build your stunning new home.

Sustainability and energy efficiency is something that is becoming increasingly sought after for new homes, and needs to be carefully considered throughout the building process.