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When building a new home in New Zealand, you need to deal with a builder that understands the uniqueness of our beautiful terrain, stunning scenery and of course our climate.

To help you to become as informed as possible about your journey, and of course to keep up with the latest in our network and the building industry, we’ve developed a quiet place for you to enjoy perusing articles we’ve published. These touch on the latest in design advice, innovation and inspiration, building tips and advice, and of course some case studies which we hope will get you excited about your home building journey with David Reid Homes… so pull up a chair, grab a coffee and enjoy!

  1. Spend next Christmas in a new home

    Spend next Christmas in a new home

    Whether you’re a young family with kids who are excited for Santa to visit, or you’ve downsized and you’re welcoming adult kids and grandkids home for Christmas dinner, your home plays a huge part in your holiday experience. 
    Read this article
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